Sweet or Bitter?
“the Bitterness of poor coverage remains long after the Sweetness of low price is Forgotten” – Benjamin Franklin
I love these words by Benjamin Franklin. In my research I actually found that his quote is “the bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten” From what I have read about Benjamin Franklin(never was a history buff), he was an intelligent man that had many talents and abilities. He was a writer, scientist, inventor, statesman, diplomat, printer, publisher and political philosopher. He was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States and the first United States Postmaster General. I have learned he wore many hats and was probably never bored…His quote, however, is very true and can easily be applied to the insurance industry as well as many other things. But for now, I am going to apply it to insurance. Price is very important in many things in life. I do understand that very well. There are things that we can save money on and sometimes that is even insurance. I love saving money for my customers and those that give me the opportunity to try and do so. Can I save everyone money? No. Unfortunately I cannot. Although price is at the top of the list for most everyone, it is not always the best option to go for “less”, “lower”, “cheaper” where insurance is concerned. That being said; always ask questions and compare your coverages if you’re shopping. Nail down what coverages are important to you and that you need the most to fit your life style and where you are at in life right now. Our needs change with age. So it is good to review your policies and your coverages annually. Keep a good line of communication open between you and your agent. We don’t always think about the pool we put in, or the barn we built, or the ring we bought our wife, or the addition we did to the house. These are all things that could easily become “poor coverage” on our policies and we usually find that out when something happens and then we taste the bitterness of that poor coverage. Low price is sweet, but poor coverage can be bitter. Just food for thought today (no pun intended).
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